10 research outputs found

    Production trend identification and forecast for shop-floor business intelligence

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    The paper introduces a methodology to define production trend classes and also the results to serve with trend prognosis in a given manufacturing situation. The prognosis is valid for one, selected production measure (e.g. a quality dimension of one product, like diameters, angles, surface roughness, pressure, basis position, etc.) but the applied model takes into account the past values of many other, related production data collected typically on the shop-floor, too. Consequently, it is useful in batch or (customized) mass production environments. The proposed solution is applicable to realize production control inside the tolerance limits to proactively avoid the production process going outside from the given upper and lower tolerance limits. The solution was developed and validated on real data collected on the shop-floor; the paper also summarizes the validated application results of the proposed methodology. © 2016, IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat. All rights reserved

    Idegi, valamint endothel eredetű mediátorok szerepe és kölcsönhatása a gingiva keringésének szabályozásában = Action and interaction of neural and endothelial mediators in the regulation of blood supply to the gingiva

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    Vazoaktív mediátorok keringésszabályozó szerepét tanulmányoztuk ép és gyulladt fogínyben patkányban. Humán gingiván a fogorvosi beavatkozások hatását vizsgáltuk. Adataink szerint patkány marginális gingiva erekben érszűkítő adrenerg alfa1, alfa2, valamint endotheliális ETA receptorok találhatók. A vaszkuláris endotheliális növekedési faktor (VEGF) a gingiva bazális keringésszabályozásában nem vesz részt, de azt az íny VEGF-2 érreceptorain keresztül befolyásolhatja. Primer neurogén gyulladás szisztémás antiinflammációs hatása a gingivában is leírható. E hatásban a nitrogénoxid szerepe valószínű. Megvizsgáltuk a gyomornedvből izolált gasztrikus pentadekapeptid BPC157 hatását ép, ill. gyulladt fogínyre. BPC157 vazokonstriktor, kísérletes parodontitisben gyulladáscsökkentő. Az alveoláris csontállományra protektív hatású. Az ínybarázda (gingivális sulcus) kemomechanikai tágítása a fogorvoslásban alkalmazott eljárás. Vizsgálataink szerint a használatos adrenalin koncentrációval átitatott tágító fonal a sulcusfolyadék elválasztást nem befolyásolja. Barázdatágításra a 0,1 %-os adrenalin oldat a leghatékonyabb. Bölcsességfogak pulpájából, ill. parodontiumából tenyésztéssel sejtkultúrát nyertünk, melyben vizsgáltuk a fogászati anyagok sejtproliferációra gyakorolt hatását. A pozitív STRO-1 immunreaktivitás sejtkultúránkban mesenhymalis őssejtek jelenlétére utal. A hemostatikumok, ill. retrakciós szerek klinikumban használt koncentrációi toxikusak. Emdogain a sejtproliferációt fokozta. | The role of vasoactive mediators has been studied in blood flow regulation to the sound/inflamed rat gingiva. The gingival effects of dental treatment were also detected in human. According to our data vasoconstrictor alpha1, alpha2 and endothelial ETA receptors localize in the blood vessels of the marginal gingva. Although the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) does not participate in the basal flow regulation to the gingiva, exogenous VEGF evokes an enhanced gingival blood perfusion by the means of local VEGF2 receptors. The systemic anti-inflammatory effect of primary neurogenic inflammation can be observed also in the gingiva. Nitric oxide is probably involved in this process. The effect of gastric juice pentadecapeptide BPC157 on the sound/inflamed gingiva was also studied. BPC157 induces vasoconstriction and decreases inflammation in experimental periodontitis. The chemo-mechanical exposure of the gingival sulcus is a procedure commonly used in dentistry. Among the concentrations of epinephrine we used 0.1% was the most effective one, without any effect on crevicular fluid production. In order to study the effect of dental materials on the cell proliferation tissue culture was gained using the cells of dental pulp and connecting periodontium of wisdom teeth. The positive STRO-1 immunreactivity observed in our tissue culture refers to the presence of mesenchymal stemm cells. Clinically used concentrations of hemostatic and vasoconstrictor retraction solutions are toxic for the cultured cells. Emdogain shows a cellproliferative effect

    QC2 Loop Editor: The Metholology and the Tool for Closing Quality Loops of Manufacturing Enterprises

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    Abstract: To meet the challenge of producing innovative and technologically demanding products economically, companies need the ability of quick and flexible reaction to internal and external disturbances. As a result the companies ’ objective shifts from maximization of quality to a “controlled quality ” aiming for the stabilization of the operative and strategic value creation process. So the main problem of manufacturing enterprises is to dampen the oscillation of product, process and system quality caused by impacting disturbances and ineffective activities and measures due to fuzzy or uncertain information. The paper describes the new approach for the evaluation of the quality of entrepreneurial control mechanisms within production systems. The prepared and freely downloadable (QC) 2 Loop Editor software (look at